European Institute
of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Certified Hypnosis and de-hypnosis facilitator Training

Each person experiences the world in their own unique way. The subconscious has its own language.
Being in the position of a therapist requires certain communicative skills reaching the subconscious mind of a client in any transpersonal work. If you use only a systematic approach to the treatment it may not be sufficient to get desired results. Hypnosis is the art of communicating with the creative history of the client’s mind, a dialogue that succeeds to switch their mind into self-healing mode. This is why the results of your work will improve immensely with the best possible outcomes.
If you decide to become a professional hypnotherapist, this
Module 1 is the first step towards an amazing and self-liberating journey to literally access the life of your dreams through a very powerful self-healing process. What Is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness that allows for direct communication with the unconscious mind, rather than the conscious mind. This mind-state shift, from conscious to unconscious and back again, happens to everyone naturally all the time – you’re just usually not aware of it. A hypnotherapist simply uses this natural mind-state change for a specific purpose, generally to help someone create a positive change or outcome in their life.
Your Master Teacher is Issa

- 1990 she started the studies on human energetics, and meditation “wanders of natural mind” by tibetan masters (including tantra and dzogchen) lopon tenzin namdak tenzin wangyal rinpoche namkhai norbu rinpoche
- 1993 jerzy grotowski’s inspirations alternative route in self-discovery,
- 1995 she founded the first creative group for self evolution through creative process and expression – healing through arts, and started to give workshops in europe
- 2000 co-created fringe festival in edinburgh scotland with richard demarco gallery
- to her healing practices there were added different modalities: reiki, pranic consciousness, healing with sound and frequencies, water consciousness
- 2004 initiating color therapy (waves of light) and creating group studies for healing with energetics, self awareness of electro-magnetic fields
- 2009 she graduated in advanced hypnotherapy master, being deeply involved in studying ericksonian hypnosis, training the teachers in healing modalities.
- 2010 studying clinical hypnosis
- 2012 founding the schools for practitioners of healing modalities
- 2016 founding the academy offering facilitating courses for inner healing. including in her practise new science: quantum physics, epigenetics, understanding of placebo effect, neuroscience.
- 2018 graduated in hypnosis and de-hypnosis in multiversity in india (aspect of meditation in hypnotherapy)
- 2019 founding inner healing way for hypnotherapy, which is based on new science. her successful results with clients arrive from connecting the modalities with consciousness… she has developed new ways for hypnotherapy and using consciousness in healing based on years of meditation and self-discovery, as well as active work with people.
- curently she is a master teacher in
european institute of hypnosis and hypnotherapy
- During this course we will explore the nature of hypnosis as well as the professional and ethical aspects of Hypnosis as a therapeutic method.
- You will become familiar with the hypnosis application procedures.
- You will learn how your mind works and how to improve communication between the conscious and the subconscious.
- You will understand the mechanics of how hypnotic induction works and what is the actual fuel of each hypnotic process.
- You learn to build a hypnotic relationship, this may put you in a trance even in an ordinary conversation.
- You will make contact with the subconscious through ideomotor signals and learn how to work with them.
- You will learn about hypnotic linguistics: words of power and various language patterns that will allow you to efficiently communicate with the client’s subconscious.
- You will learn how to construct effective hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestions.
- You will learn the technique of “symbolic transformation”, which is a quick and effective process of hypnotic change.
- You will learn to conduct hypnotic change processes to use hypnosis to solve many problems.
- You will learn the most important assumptions of Ericksonian hypnosis and therapy.

Live trainings curently we offer in Bali Healing Island.
Hypnosis & De-Hypnosis Facilitating Training
Certified Master of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
You can apply and book at:
This is an intensive immersion level emphasizing advanced in-depth transformational tools to work with oneself and the clients.
- if you intend to learn and practice facilitating sessions breaking through limiting unconscious beliefs and old patterns that are holding people back from reaching their potential.
- if you love to help your clients master their minds in finding the way to getting alignment with their hearts towards the self-fulfilling pathway of happiness in life.
- if you choose to re-birth yourself into a new level at the deepest level of your being to allow rapid life blossom.
- if you wish to rewire your brain and reconnect to your inner being to achieve you’re most dearly felt can receive and learn amazing tools that will enable you to activate inner alchemy and realize the potential of discovering new professional skills of your inner healer.
During the master class
- You will learn how to get to the root of any issue or problem quickly so that your clients can focus on creating the life they choose and deserve instead of being lost in unconscious limiting patterns.
- This course is a practitioner training program that will present you with the tools to access the inner healing.
- You will develop foundational skills to address common concerns and help clients in a number of ways such as:
- Increasing the potential of being more happy and successful in life
- Releasing negative patterns (overcoming smoking, food habits causing weight issues, negative thinking, fears, re-creating problematic thoughts and emotions into rising potential and gifts)
- Reaching clarity in making choices towards realizing goals, and potential for necessary action in fulfilling the desired life path
- Developing confidence and becoming own beloved character in the story of one’s life
- Improving the ability to meditate.
This is just a short sample list of what these realignment tools can do to help you and your clients to re-transform own life. You will develop an in-depth understanding of how the mind works and how subconscious beliefs can be reprogrammed to manifest life in alignment with your inner being desires.