Is an author of a process: “Choose The Life You Love”, through healing modalities, creative arts, and law of manifestation she awakens enormous potentiality in people lives. Over the years she has been formulating her own unique access to self grow and evolution of human consciousness.
Practicing Transcendental Arts that includes: hypnotherapy, access consciousness, color and sound therapy, meditation and movements, intuitive painting, breathwork, variaties of body-work, energy and light work, dzogchen, tantra in the style of lineage of Shang Shung, becoming world-wide master teacher of the most effective ways to support herself, her clients and students in the most effective multi-level upgrades of consciousness. Her students become successful as well as her clients heal and change their lives, we have many cases when doctors cancelled operations, noticing remission of severe illnesses quickly after her sessions.
For many years she was active in Swedish School of Intuitive Arts as Master Teacher Trainer for Teachers of the Method, as well as facilitating Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy trainings in The European Institute of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. Intuitive arts, healing and manifestation blend into her unique signature while assisting people in evolutionary progress in their lives on many levels.
She has got an extensive experience in the transformation through prana yoga, body movement, tantras, soul meditation, and law of manifesting. During her classes, work and individual sessions, she take people out from even deeply encoded physical, mental and emotional blocks to the path of self liberation and sucessful life in order to reveal their highest potential and blossom in life.
Her teachings spread to: Norway, France, Germany, Poland, India and Bali where she has lived now since 6 years.
She created her own modality which is Inner Healing offering transpersonal communication through multidimensional levels of our being.
Her signature in hypnosis, de-hypnosis and hypnotherapy expands beyond only subconscious and uncoscious mind. Her way includes communication with higher self and super-conscious mind, which is the most perfect guide and inner healer in each of us. Connecting the course of every session and class into higher-conscious level, offers unlimited possibilities, knowledge and perception.
This signature of transpersonal approach in hypnotherapy, goes beyond the boundaries of the body and mind, therefore the effects are almost instant. You can study this unique combination of traditional western aproach with eastern Hypnotherapy that she studied in indian ashrams and Multivercity, resulting in a very unique process Certified Facilitator Hypnosis and De-Hypnosis Training as well as Hypnotherapy Master.
Honored with a diploma entitling her to educate teachers of the Swedish school of Transcendental Art, she quickly realized that even “enlightened schools” are being based in the patriarchal structures, where for women there is very little free space for individual expression even nowadays.
After the split that occurred in the school, she no longer relied on earthly authorities, but remaind in contact with the divine field, towards the discovery of the inner truth and identity.
She has developed classes and sessions being most activated teacher in Transcendental Arts. Her message is vividly connected to the field of transcendental consciousness, which is the source of all creation.
During these years of experience, Ewa developed and grounded her own way of teaching and expression in many areas of art and healing,

Her workshops are characterized by deep insight to inner knowledge and wisdom. She offers very specific way of meditation for the participants. developing various aspects of consciousness through natural energies and vibrations.
From late 90’s she has started connecting the language of Art with Spirituality and several Therapies. She assisted to develop The Theater of Being, The Elements, ImagiNation in Edinburgh Scotland, co-creating with the Richard DeMarco Gallery, English colleges and universities as well as centers for people with special needs.
She had her first painting exhibition at the age of 14, hence painting has always been her love and outlet for self discovery and expression.
In the period from 1999, she painted a series of traditional mandalas. And for several years she has been creating intuitive images that are free manifestation of creation without boundaries.
Her paintings were described as intuitive and flowing from the depths of the soul.
Since 2014 she was visiting India every way, where she co-created with Ayurvedic doctors very restorative aproach to the holistic integration of being. She studied and experienced tantra with some magnificent teachers in Osho Multiversity in Pune in India, where she also studied hypnosis and de-hypnosis.
She learned unique art of priestesshood growing and maintaining knowledge about spirituality, connecting with the True Nature of Existence and Energy of Mother Earth and Heavenly Father. She is a guide to holy places and holy femininity, mystical schools and antiquity (Southern France, Egypt, Bali, India). She learns passionately about natural medicine living in a natural state of excellence. She works with light, color and sound. In Poland, initiating a group of the first Aura-Soma consultants (Color Therapy), She studies in The Aura-Soma Color System Therapy in the Academy in England She offered the teaching of the method in Europe.
She practices and shares her own experience of Divine Alchemy during special workshops of divine creation. And for some time she has been vividly interested in the pranic process, which reminds people of their original perfection.
Issa’s heart hobby is to create music in which fairy tales come to life. She co-created the musical duo Heart of Heaven. Her personal composition for singing bowls and voice can be heard by visiting:
In addition, she is a talented translator with extensive experience of transferring teachings. She translated lectures, workshops and individual sessions with Lopon Tenzin Namdak, Chongtul Rinpoche from Tibet, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (author of the books: “Miracles of the Natural Mind”, “Healing with Form, Energy and Light”), healers from Australia: Mary and Alan Earl (creators of the PELOHA), Carol McKnight, a therapist from the United States (the authors of the book: “Aura-Soma Color Therapy for the Soul”), Autori, Ashan – a spiritual teacher from New Zealand (who published “Diamond People” and “Know, that you know”). She took part and was a translator of pranic processes initiating – nutrition with light.
She traveled with these teachers in Poland and abroad. Now she lives and works in Bali,
These experiences allowed her to broaden her understanding of creation, the laws of nature and human multilevel nature, which gives her new opportunities also in working with people. On a daily basis, she provides mentoring, teachings and sessions with Inner Healing, supporting realigement with the body, mind, emotions and spirit. She teaches the law of manifestation and Divine Creation on how to make your dreams come true (in 2011-2012 – apart from traveling to Egypt, she had her presentations in Kraków, Poznań, Warsaw, Katowice, Częstochowa, Wrocław, Szczecin and Nowielice at the Retreat of the Masters. She hold workshops in Scotland, England, Poland, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, India, Indonesia, The Netherlands, Taiwan and Bali..
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